Rabu, 9 September 2009

the new work place

YM!! YM!! kalau tak YM mesti friendster or facebook..yar3!! hari-hari pown sama. Tengah baik punya layan facebook suddenly Kak Dayang came to interrupt and she introduce us to a new staff. Is a girl. Nama apa entah dah lupa. Btw what important is, she will be sitting here. Here??? what do you mean by here? Tempat kiteorg pown dah fully pack. Dah 5 org kat sini..Mardhiyah, Suhaimi, Solihin, Kak Yus and myself. There's no way she has her own workplace here. But Puan Saodah(Our Timbalan Pengarah) had no choice but to dump her there. Ape boleh buat, dah boss suruh, kene la ikut. But the worse part is, kiteorgla yg kene ubahsuai tempat tu supaya cukup untuk 6 org, huh!

I'll be moving my stuff today as mention by Puan Saodah. Solihin and Suhaimi still bz with their "kemasukan". As for me, i already shut down my PC. Operasi bermula kul 11.30 pagi(after waiting like crazy). Inn myself and Suhaimi were bz thinking how we gonna change the workplace into 6, coz we actually don't have enuf space. We got like a lorry of stuffs to move out & I dont know how we will pass the baggage without being charged for "ketidak selesaan" (not me, the stuff! the stuff!)

So. I teared away all those silly flowers and other rubbish to the bin. Mardhiyah help us cleaned the dusts at the floor, & well hey! Its not bad at all! I think I'm loving this new work place.

enuf of story telling. now, let the pic do the talking.

I didnt fell in love with it at first sight. But. Oh well. Love develops :)

These are some snapshots of my current crib upon arrival

Kak Yus sitting behind me with her another freak pose

Kak Syima to rasmi for the new workplace

After kiteorg bersidang, Solihin place tak jadi ubah for under circumstances

This is where Suhaimi will be sitting untill he quit soon

(al maklumla org dah dapat status"tetap")

Isnin, 7 September 2009

i feel like to start blogging...

Yes, I have a dip in IT, yet I don't know blogging. Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on me. But I'm picking on it. Especially recently I have many thoughts in my minds (I even started structuring the sentences in my head!) and since I'm working at my new place, I guess I'll try blogging! :D
Now. Why am I posting in English? Not that I'm superb in it, nor that I talk often in it. But to 'seimbangkan' ehe. If I were to write in bahasa, I had to choose whether it'll be in Penang slang or the Kay-Ell~ slang. LOL! If I wrote in slang penang, nanti ada stengah org yg tak paham pulak. Or if I wrote in slang kay-ell, some say lupe daratan la pulak kan~ ehe. So, allow me to write in rojak-English + Bahasa la senang (^^)Till then, toodle-oo :D